
16 Amazing Plants For Study Table that Boost Productivity

Plants For Study Table : Have you ever wondered, why is your study table always boring? What stops you from getting in front of your table and not feel like studying? If you feel any of these, your table is lacking something very important! That void can largest be filled by indoor plants. Plants can be a game changer for your mood cycle. Stay happy, productive, joyous, and even prosperous with some green friends all around.

If you feel this list is going to be another boring set of plant recommendations, then you must read the witty descriptions next to them. They will make sure you never forget plant names hereafter. So, let’s go in the ascending order of ease. Which means, the 1st plant is going to be the hardest whereas 16th is going to be the easiest

(Disclaimer: which plant is best for study table – the order of ease in highly variable, here it is with respect to the author)

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Which Plant is Good for Study Table | Top 16 Plants for Study Table

1-Maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum)

  • The maidenhair fern is like a drama queen – it needs bright, indirect light and consistently moist soil, but its delicate, lacy foliage is worth
Maidenhair fern - Plants For Study Table

2-Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)

  • The peace lily is the diva of the indoor plants for study table – it likes to be pampered with moist soil and consistent watering, but it rewards you with beautiful blooms and purified air.
Peace lily - Plants For Study Table
Peace lily – Plants For Study Table

3-Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

  • The Boston fern is like a high-maintenance friend – it needs bright, indirect light and consistently moist soil, but it rewards you with lush, green foliage.
Boston fern - Plants For Study Table
Boston fern – Plants For Study Table

4-Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

  • The rubber plant is like a diva-in-training – it prefers bright, indirect light and consistent watering, but it rewards you with beautiful, glossy leaves.
Rubber plant - Plants For Study Table
Rubber plant – Plants For Study Table

5-English ivy (Hedera helix)

  • This plant is like a loyal friend – it clings to you through thick and thin (literally), and it can grow in a variety of lighting conditions.
English ivy - Plants For Study Table
English ivy – Plants For Study Table

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which plant is good for study table

Here are the more plants to keep on study table. We also consider these are the best indoor plants for study table.

6-Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)

  • The cast iron plant is like the Terminator – it can handle extreme conditions and still come out on top.
Cast iron plant - Plants For Study Table
Cast iron plant – Plants For Study Table

7-Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

  • This plant is like a heartthrob – it’s easy to care for and adds a touch of romance to any study space.
Heartleaf philodendron - Plants For Study Table
Heartleaf philodendron – Plants For Study Table

8-Dracaena (Dracaena marginata)

  • The dracaena is like a fashionista – it needs bright, indirect light and consistent watering to keep its stylish leaves looking their best.
Dracaena - Plants For Study Table
Dracaena – Plants For Study Table

9-Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema)

  • This plant is like the class clown – it can handle low light, but it needs consistent watering to keep it happy.
Chinese evergreen - Plants For Study Table
Chinese evergreen – Plants For Study Table

10-Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)

  • The philodendron is like a houseplant superstar – it’s easy to care for, grows in a variety of lighting conditions, and adds a touch of tropical flair to any room

11-Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

  • Pothos is the perfect plant for the procrastinator – it can go weeks without water and still look fabulous.
Pothos - Plants For Study Table
Pothos – Plants For Study Table

12-Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

  • This plant is like a superhero – it cleans the air and is virtually indestructible. Plus, it produces cute little spiderettes.
Spider plant - Plants For Study Table
Spider plant – Plants For Study Table

13-ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

  • The ZZ plant is like a cat – it’s low-maintenance, but it still likes to be acknowledged every now and then. Plus, it has shiny leaves that are a real showstopper.
ZZ plant - Plants For Study Table
ZZ plant – Plants For Study Table

14-Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

  • Who needs a rabbit’s foot when you can have lucky bamboo? It’s easy to care for and brings good vibes to any study space. It is the best plants for study table according to Vastu.
Lucky bamboo - Plants For Study Table
Lucky bamboo – Plants For Study Table

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15-Snake plant (Sansevieria)

  • This plant is like a ninja – it thrives in low light conditions and can handle neglect like a champ.
Snake plant - Plants For Study Table
Snake plant – Plants For Study Table

16-Air plant (Tillandsia)

  • This plant is like a teenager – it doesn’t need soil, but it still needs to be hydrated regularly.
Air plant - Plants For Study Table
Air plant – Plants For Study Table

Still wondering why should you have study table plants on your table?

Go ahead and pick the best plant for study table.

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V Viswapriya
V Viswapriya

Viswapriya is a student of Pharmacy, who is a die-hard Plant enthusiast. She is a budding content writer, researcher, and graphic designer. She aims to write, read and talk about plants and their implementation in sustainable development. She wishes to build a community of plant lovers who can share like-minded ideas and opinions.

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