Ever wondered why your ceiling is looking all empty? Is your fan too boring or is a chandelier too heavy to go up? Whatever you feel like, one thing can make your space livelier. The answer is quite obvious because it’s all about plants.
In urban apartments, light is a prominent issue that needs to be encountered while bringing plants indoors which can be largely understood by the window lying just next to the plant spot.
- South: Allows highest and harshest amount of sunlight
- West: Allows a bright amount of sunlight
- East: Moderate but enough in amount
- North: The dimmest but can still help to survive certain plants
The list of hanging plants here can be accommodated in north and east-facing windows, which can absolutely thrive in south and west-facing windows.
Low light hanging plants
1-Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
If you are an utter beginner and you are searching for that one perfect hanging plant, here’s your partner. Spider plants are well suitable for growing in low light conditions with its recurving, striped leaves making it much more attractive. Yet optimum light levels must be provided to avoid unhealthy plants and symptoms like weakening of leaves, leaf yellowing and root rot. It’s pet-friendly too!

- 8 to 10 hours of indirect sunlight or 200 to 400 foot candles light per day
- Whenever the soil turns dry, wet on top upto 1-2 inches and maintain moderate moisture
- Size: 1-2 feet
2-Money plant (Epipremnum aureum)
Bring it for money or luck, this plant will never disappoint you in terms of its elegance, flexibility, and growth. Money plants are popular phytoremediation plants for removing indoor air pollutants and have lovely heart shaped leaves with pointed leaf tips. This can be a true low light trailing plants or hanging indoor plants with its long cascading vines spreading with the aid of aerial roots for quick establishment. It is suitable for growing near windows since it can tolerate direct sunlight for more than three hours.

- 100 to 200 foot candles of light per day is sufficient. Bright indirect light is more suitable.
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top upto 1-2 inches
- Size: 12 feet (it can grow extremely large if you keep giving it trailing space)
3- Arrowhead vine (Syngonium podophyllum)
Looking for a houseplant having large leaves with different textures, then this is your destiny. Arrowhead vine leaves are shaped like an arrow-head that is similar to Philodendron and hence known as arrowhead philodendron. The leaves have various shades of dark green, pale green and light pink according to its developmental stages and shape also varies slightly on maturity.

- Minimum of 100 to 200 foot candles of bright light per day or 4 to 5 hours of indirect sunlight ensures survival of Syngoniums
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1-2 inches
- Size: 6 feet, but can be bushy with proper pruning
4-Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’)
A lush green fern can add beauty that matches no other hanging variety. These ferns make attractive hanging basket plants under low light with its dagger shaped fronds drooping around the basket. Ensure that the plants are not much exposed to direct sunlight as this might result in chlorosis leading to weak plants. It is suitable for growing in locations which does not have access to direct sunlight. This might be a difficult nut to crack in case of watering, otherwise its perfect for indoor settings. Bonus chunk for ferns is that they are greatly suitable for bathrooms.

- Medium light for 3 to 4 hours or 100 to 200 foot candles per day is enough.
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1 inch
- Size: ferns generally grow wider (1 to 2 feet) than taller, so the width is determined by your pot
5-Swiss cheese plant (Monstera Adansonii)
This variety of monstera that adds beauty with its tiny holes or fenestrations is often a center of attraction. It is suitable for usage as low light indoor plants however very low light conditions result in less fenestrations. Unlike its larger counterpart (Monstera deliciosa), this is perfect for hanging pots, also a perfect addition to your bathroom.

- 300 to 400 foot candles of bright light per day is optimum.
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1 inch
- Size: their vines can grow too large to control, but serial pruning can keep it bushy.
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6-Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceaum)
This variety of philodendrons has the perfect size of leaves that could be opted for hanging pots. The attractive dark green, triangular leaves are glossy with velvety texture. It has the ability to filter gaseous toxins, thus improving the indoor air quality.

- Gorws well in low to medium indirect light (300 to 400 foot candles) for 5 to 8 hours per day
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1-2 inches
- Size: can grow as long as 10 feet but can turn leggy of not pruned appropriately.
7-Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’)
This is a bright neon green variety of money plant without any variegation and lobed leaf tip that is specific with its color.

- It can sustain moderate to bright light for 8 to 10 hours per day.
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1 inch
- Size: can grow massive but pruning can control it.
8-English Ivy (Hedera helix)
English ivy is one of the hardy plants that can survive versatile conditions. This plant has thick leaves that indicate their tolerance to drought and low light. Usually, this plant is sold in two variants, the green and variegated.

- It grows well under partial to full shade and can survive a minimum of 200 foot candles light per day.
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1 inch
- Size: they can grow up to 20-30 feet long vines
9-Black prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura Var. ‘Black’)
This can be a perfect low light indoor plants if you give it ideal conditions to survive that includes perfect moisture, light, soil, and space. The leaves are attractively large, dark green, oval shaped with thin pink veins and folded leaves resemble praying hands at night. The lower-side of the leaves are reddish-purple in colour.

- It thrives well under bright indirect sunlight (100 to 300 foot candles per day)
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1 inch
- Size: The plants spread upto 1 to 2 feet.
10-Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)
The leaves resemble the stripes of a zebra with a silver edge on the oval, purplish-green leaves. This purple beauty will be one of the fastest growers you would have ever come across. Light, soil and even moisture can be compromised with this. Add a purple vibe to your indoor space with this charmer.

- It can thrive well with 6 to 7 hours of bright sunlight (200 to 500 foot candles per day).
- Whenever the soil turns dry on top until 1-2 inches
- Size: serial pruning can help make it busher than longer
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However, choosing an ideal plant for your space can be highly perspective dependent. It might be an outcome of your climatic zone, light, watering schedule, feeding and even potting mix. So, bring your plant circus indoors and have a great time managing them.
This article was reviewed by Priyatharsini Ayyaswamy
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