Low Maintenance Indoor Plants for India: 15 Best plants for home gardening

Low Maintenance Indoor Plants are a great addition to any home, bringing a touch of nature and beauty as well as a sense of sustainability. They have become increasingly popular over the past few years as people are recognizing the numerous benefits of having plants in their homes. Indoor gardening has become a hobby, especially among those living in urban areas where outdoor gardening space is limited.

With low maintenance indoor plants, you can enjoy the benefits of gardening even if you have limited space, time, or resources. In this blog, we will explore some low maintenance indoor plants in India that can be grown without much hassle. But before we begin, let us discuss some benefits of indoor plants and how to choose the perfect one for your home.


  • Plants help to purify the air by removing pollutants and toxins. Some indoor plants produce oxygen that enhances cognitive function and aids in better sleep.
  • Low maintenance Indoor plants can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity.
  • Indoor vegetation can act as a passive noise insulation system.
  • Interior humidity levels increases due to transpiration by indoor plants thus providing thermal comfort in hot climatic conditions.
  • Indoor plants reduces the use of air conditioners by heat insulation, thus reducing the energy consumption.
  • You can grow your herbs, vegetables, and fruits indoors, ensuring a fresh supply of healthy produce.
  • Indoor plants can add beauty and colour to any space. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small succulents to large tropical plants, and can be used to decorate any room in your home.
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Different plants have different lighting requirements. Before selecting any indoor plants, consider the amount and type of light available in your home. Some plants grow well in bright, direct sunlight, while others prefer indirect or low light conditions. Be sure to choose plants accordingly.


If you are a busy person and do not have a lot of time to care for plants, choose low maintenance indoor plants that do not require frequent watering or pruning. On the other hand, if you enjoy gardening and have more time to devote to your plants, you can choose plants that require more care.


The amount of space available will also play a role in which plants you can choose. If you have limited space, you may want to consider smaller plants, such as succulents or cactus. If you have a larger space, you can consider bigger plants like fiddle leaf fig.


Indoor plants can add a lot to the decor of your space, so it is important to choose plants that fit your aesthetic preferences. Make sure that the plants you choose complement your design and layout of the house interiors. For example, choosing snake plant for minimalistic homes which also one of the low maintenance indoor plants.


1) Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

We have all heard about this plant frequently but there is something you didn’t know… come on let’s see. Snake plants (Dracaena trifasciata ) belong to the Asparagaceae family. The leaves of this plant is popular for its erect, stiff, concave and sword-like leaves. These plants are also known as Mother-in-law’s tongues as these plants have sharp tongue-like leaves that resemble our mother-in-law’s tongue. It can be easily propagated by dividing the root clumps and by leaf cuttings. Leaf cuttings of 7 cm long can be placed in sandy soil for easy propagation. Rather than Various advantages these plants can survive in conditions where they need water only if the soil is dry.


  1. Absorb CO2 at night.
  2. Helps to improve mental health
  3. Removes Benzene and formaldehyde which is found in glues, paint, etc
SoilWell-drained, nutrient-rich soil.  
WaterWater when the soil gets dry  
LightModerate sunlight
Pet friendlyNo toxic for pets
Growth rateSlow Growers

2) ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ Plant also known as the ZuZu plant is a species belonging to the Araceae family native to Africa. These are low maintenance indoor plants perfectly suitable for places where sunlight is low.  It can be propagated by leaf cuttings and divisions. The leaves are glossy and attractive. It gives flowers in various colors like yellow, green, and white. It can survive very low light conditions more than a month without water. If you love plants but don’t have time to maintain then try this plant ….. it is best.


  1. Easy to care
  2. Helps in purifying the air by removing ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene and other air pollutants
  3. As per feng shui, it gives wealth and growth
SoilSoil containing perlite, pumice
WaterWater every 2 – 3 weeks
LightMedium to bright indirect light
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateModerate to slow growing plant

3) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

“Are you guessing that spider plant look like spiders? Yes, you are right.” These are low maintenance indoor plants with linear, narrow and recurving leaves. The plants have flowering panicles which eventually develop into small plantlets with roots that remain hanging in the flower, thus resembling a spider. This makes the plant attractive for using it as low light hanging plants in indoors. Chlorophytum comosum belongs to the Asparagaceae family. The main advantage of these plants is that they are easily propagated through plantlets, can survive in all conditions and play a major role in cleaning air.


  1. Absorbs xylene, benzene, and other harmful pollutants.
  2. As per feng shui, it is a symbol of fortune and prosperity.
  3. Reduce Stress levels.
SoilNutrient rich soil
WaterWater once in a week
LightIndirect light
Pet friendlyYes
Growth rateModerate to fast

4) Aloe Vera

“Is there anyone who has never used Aloe vera in their lifetime? Aloe gel is being used in skin lotions, cosmetics, ointments, etc. Aloe Vera belongs to the genus Aloe which is also one of the low maintenance indoor plants with medicinal properties commonly grown in homes. These plants can be easily propagated using suckers. These plants release oxygen at night time making them best suitable for indoors.


  1. Heals wounds and minor skin problems
  2. Helps in reducing dental plague
  3. FDA approved as food flavoring agent
SoilA well draining, loamy, sandy soil
WaterWater when soil gets dry
LightBright indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateModerate depends on environmental condition.

5) Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

Everyone thinks that these plants were named money plants as they give money. Yes, it is true. According to feng shui, money plants bring prosperity, wealth  and lots of positive energy to our homes. Money plant belongs to the Araceae family native to Moorea. These rapid-growing plants are commonly known as devil’s vines. It is easily propagated from cuttings and can tolerate direct sunlight. The reason behind this name is these plants survive in darkness. It also gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.


  1. Purifies air
  2. Reduce sleep disorders
  3. Provide positive energy
SoilFertile loamy soil
WaterNeed less water
LightBright indirect light
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateFast

6) Jade Plants (Crassula ovata)

Jade plants commonly known as lucky plants belong to the Crassulaceae family. These are long-living low maintenance indoor plants best suited for home decor. Jade plants have woody stems that look like trees which makes it an attractive plant for creating Bonsai plants. Flowers of the jade plant attract insects. Jade plants are also believed to bring wealth and prosperity to homes and rarely jade plants produce white star-shaped flowers That attract insects and bees.


  1. It increases humidity, therefore, we don’t go for humidifiers
  2. According to feng shui, it gives positive energy
  3. Uses to treat wounds
SoilWell draining, loose soil
WaterOnce in every 2 – 3 weeks
LightBright indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateSlow to moderate

7) Rubber Plants (Ficus elastica)

“Do you believe, we can buy our sleep with money?”Yeah once you start growing Rubber plants in homes they provide you best sleep. Rubber plants belong to the Moraceae family native to Asia. The young leaves are enclosed in rosy sheath. They have large, showy and deep green leaves which makes them look great. These plants are easy to propagate, drought resistant, and help in improving concentration. These factors made this plant best for low maintenance indoor plants


  1. These plants improve sleep
  2. Purifies air
  3. They have natural anti-inflammatory properties
Soil1 part peat, 1 part vine bark, 1 part sand
WaterEvery 1 -2 weeks
LightFull, direct light
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateModerate to fast growing
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8) Pothos (Scindapsus aureus)

If you want to decorate your home with plants, then these pothos are the best choice. Pothos belongs to the Araceae family native to China. These plants are commonly known as silver vines, best suitable for beginners. Young leaves contain beautiful yellow-coloured variations. The plant spreads through thick long aerial roots making it suitable for indoor vertical growing structures. These plants have gold and yellow coloured flowers which were rarely seen in indoor conditions


  1. Increase humidity
  2. Pest resistant
  3. Purifies air
SoilSoil containing perlite
WaterEvery 1 – 2 weeks
LightBright indirect light
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateFast

9) Philodendrons (Philodendron cordatum)

Philodendrons belong to the Araceae family. It is the largest genus in the Araceae family. The Philodendron genus has more than a hundred species. Philodendrons are the fastest-growing plants that grow well in loamy soil. The leaves are leathery and heart-shaped with various shades of green and pink making it one of the attractive indoor plants. Some of the best low maintenance indoor plants you must try in your homes are Philodendron scandens, Philodendron erubescens, Philodendron melonachysum, and Philodendron Rojo congo.


  1. Purifies air
  2. Survived in indoor conditions
  3. Reduce stress level
Soil1part potting mix, 1 part peat moss, ¼ part perlite, 1 part orchid bark
WaterWater when soil gets dry
LightBright indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateFast

10) Chinese Evergreen (Agalonema commutatum)

Chinese evergreen also known as philipine evergreen belongs to the Aglaonema genus, Araceae family. These plants have excellent-looking foliage that makes them better for home decor. These plants show their problems through the color of the leaves yellow leaves indicate over-watering, and brown colour indicates to change the pot or container. Agalonema can be propagated by division of basal shoots, terminal and nodal stem cuttings. These plants have different varieties that are easy for beginners.


  1. Filter air pollutants
  2. Gives positive energy
  3. Easy to propagate
SoilSoil with charcoal, peat and perlite
WaterWater when soil ge dry
LightIndirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateSlow to moderate

11) Dracaena (Dracaena marginata)

Dracaena belongs to the Asparagaceae family. In summer, they can grow outdoors making them an excellent choice for houseplants. The leaves of are characterized with a central stripe that vary from various shades of white to yellow. The other best plants suitable for homes are Dracaena sanderana, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans, and Dracaena reflexa (Song of India)


  1. Purifies air
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Best for home décor
SoilPeat moss and perlite
WaterWater when soil gets dry
LightBright , indirect sun
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateSlow

12) Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)

Nephrolepsis exaltata is recognized by NASA for removing cigarette smoke and formaldehyde from the air. These are commonly known as sword ferns or ladder ferns. These popular ferns are native to America. These plants have various types of cultivars like tiger fern, lemon button fern, cotton candy fern, macho fern, sword fern, and fluffy ruffles fern. These are suitable for growing in hanging baskets. These ferns can be propagated from the slender runners produced by the mother plants.


  1. Gives positive energy
  2. Purifies air
  3. Improves humidity
SoilMoist, well draining soil.
WaterTwice a day
LightMedium, bright,indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyYes
Growth rateSlow

13) Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia sp.)

Dieffenbachia commonly known as dumb cane or leopard lily belongs to the Araceae family. The reason for the name dumb cane is these plants are toxic and cause various problems when ingested. These plants are considered to be lucky plants. These are best for indoor plants as they require low sunlight. It is an tropical attractive plant. It is propagated using terminal and nodal cuttings. It is better to maintain these plants in vegetative stage because flowering may weaken the plants.


  1. It contains anti-bacterial property
  2. Suitable for growing indoors
  3. Mass ornamental plant
SoilA well-drained soil mix containing peat, moss, perlite with broken bricks and charcoal
WaterWater when soil gets dry
LightIndirect light
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateSlow

14) Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

 Peace lilies are versatile, low maintenance indoor plants that produce white-colored flowers with greenish leaves. These plants can grow in low light, making them the best choice for indoor plants. Peace lilies can help to increase humidity in air. The inflorescence of this plant contains an attractive milky white spathe which contains a green spadix making it one of the few beautiful indoor flowering plants for the tropical and sub-tropical conditions.


  1. Improves sleep
  2. Purifies air
  3. Reduces air borne pathogens like bacteria, actinomycetes and molds.
  4. Peace lilies beautify your space
SoilSoil mix containing peat moss and perlite
WaterWater once in a week
LightBright indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateSlow to moderate .

15) Stonecrop (Sedum sp.)

Sedum is one of the best easy and low maintenance indoor plants that is succulent and suitable for window gardens, hanging baskets and table top decorations.  Sedum leaves are arranged in a rosette-like pattern that makes the foliage attractive. It can be propagated from cuttings, divisions and leaf cuttings. These plants are available in various colours that can be ideal for colourful table-top decorations.


  1. Attractive appearance
  2. Brings good vibes
  3. Easy to propagate
SoilWell–draining potting mix
WaterWater every  1 to 2 weeks
LightBoth direct and indirect sunlight
Pet friendlyNo
Growth rateModerate to fast-growing
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Indoor gardening can be an important part of sustainable living and can help to promote environmental awareness. Here are some of the ways that these low maintenance indoor plants in indoor gardening contribute to sustainability:

  • Conserves water: Indoor gardening can be a more water-efficient way to grow plants compared to outdoor gardening, as low maintenance indoor plants require less water due to the reduced evaporation rate and less exposure to sunlight.
  • Reduces pesticide use: By growing plants indoors, we can avoid the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides that can harm the environment and wildlife.
  • Energy saving:  Indoor plants reduces the use of air conditioners by heat insulation, thus reducing the energy consumption.
  • Promotes biodiversity: Indoor gardening can help to promote biodiversity by providing a habitat for beneficial insects and other wildlife, which can help to improve the health of our ecosystem.


Indoor gardening can be a fun and rewarding hobby that provides numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. By incorporating these low maintenance indoor plants into your home or office, you can enjoy the benefits of indoor gardening without the added stress and time commitment of high maintenance plants. Plus, the greenery enhances your indoor environment and brings you closer to nature.

This post was reviewed by Priyatharsini Ayyaswamy.

Abhilekha Das
Abhilekha Das

This is Abhilekha, I'm Studying Agriculture. Have great interest in research and writing articles on unexplored topics. Apart from content writing I like to read fictional books. Happy Reading...

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