
Top Tea Producing States in India [2024]

Tea Producing states in India is concentrated in mountainous regions like the Nilgiri hills and northern Indian mountains with sloping hilly terrains. To produce top-quality tea leaves, certain requirements need to be met.

Tea, often referred to as “chai” in India, is more than just a beverage; it is an integral part of the country’s cultural fabric. India’s love affair with tea dates back centuries, and today, it stands tall as the second largest tea producer. With a rich cultural heritage and diverse geography, India offers a perfect environment for cultivating tea.

The soil should be acidic, porous, and loamy, without calcium content. The optimal temperature for tea growth is a continuous 21°C for 8 months, with the best yields observed between June and September in Northeastern India. Monsoon is crucial for quality tea production. 

Tea Production in India
Tea Production in India

Tea Production in India  

By the end of the 2022-23 , tea production had reached 1374.97 million kg, with an expected production of 79.61 million kg in March 2023. The northern region, particularly Assam and West Bengal, contributes about 83% of India’s tea production, while the southern region, including Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, contributes around 17%.

India’s Tea production is mainly confined to a select list of tea producing states having sloping hilly terrains and a suitable climate for the Tea plantations to flourish. India produces various types of Tea including Black, Green, White and Oolong Teas. Each type has its unique characteristics and flavor profiles, catering to different consumer preferences.

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The tea industry also plays a vital role in India’s economy, providing employment to millions of people, particularly in the rural areas where tea estates are located. In this article, we delve into the top tea-producing states of India and explore how their unique attributes contribute to the nation’s thriving tea industry.

Tea Production in India
Tea Production in India
Growers 231093
Area (Ha)619773.70
Production (M.kgs.)1344.40

Largest Tea Producing State in India

Assam is the largest tea producing state in India, accounting for over 50% of the country’s total tea production. In 2023, Assam produced 654.63 million kilograms of tea, while in 2022, tea production was 668 million kilograms.

Apart from the Assam here the list of highest tea producing state in India.

1. Assam: The Tea Paradise – Largest Producer of Tea in India

Situated in the northeastern part of India, Assam is largest producer of tea in India. This lush region boasts extensive tea gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see. The optimum climate, abundant rainfall, and fertile Brahmaputra River valley create an ideal ecosystem for the Camellia sinensis plant, from which Assam’s distinctive malty black tea is derived. The state’s tea estates not only provide half of India’s tea output but are also renowned for producing high-quality tea favored by tea enthusiasts worldwide. This state is the highest tea producing state in India.

Assam - Tea Producing States in India
Assam – Tea Producing States in India
Area (Ha)347809.73
Production (M.kgs.)672.14 

2. West Bengal: Where Heritage Meets Tea | tea growing states in india

Next on the list is West Bengal, another prominent tea-producing state. Darjeeling, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, is the jewel in West Bengal’s crown.

Often referred to as the “Champagne of Teas,” Darjeeling tea is esteemed for its delicate flavor and floral aroma.

The high altitudes, cool temperatures, and misty weather in Darjeeling create the perfect conditions for cultivating this premium tea. The state contributed a hefty 28% of India’s Tea Production in 2021-22.

West Bengal - tea growing states in india
West Bengal – Tea Producing States in India
Area (Ha)138691.37 
Production (M.kgs.)408.73

Is it not possible to grow tera in South India!!!!!!! No, readers. Go to the following two states to know about the highest tea producing state in India from the south.

3. Tamil Nadu: The South Indian Tea Haven | tea growing states in india

Moving southwards, we arrive in Tamil Nadu, a state well-known for its vibrant culture and remarkable tea plantations. The Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu offer an idyllic setting for tea cultivation. The region’s moderate climate and picturesque landscape contribute to the creation of distinct flavors in the tea leaves. Nilgiri tea is often characterized by its bright and brisk liquor, making it a popular choice for blends in the global market. Additionally, the state also produces a noteworthy amount of green tea, showcasing the versatility of Indian tea production.

Tamil Nadu - tea growing states in india
Tamil Nadu – tea growing states in india
Area (Ha)63912.85 
Production (M.kgs.)165.88
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4. Kerala: Exploring the Tea Treasures

While Kerala – tea producing state may not be as prominent as Assam or Darjeeling in terms of tea production, it still plays a vital role in India’s tea industry. Munnar, a charming hill station in Kerala, is where tea cultivation thrives. The Western Ghats’ mist-covered mountains and mild climate contribute to the development of a unique tea variety. Kerala’s tea gardens produce orthodox teas that often feature a distinct golden color and a mellow taste.

Kerla - Tea Producing States in India
Kerla – Tea Producing States in India
Area (Ha)35650.82 
Production (M.kgs.)60.36

5. Karnataka: Specialty Teas in the Western Ghats

Karnataka, a state in southwestern India, is known for the tea producing state in India, primarily in the regions of Kodagu and Chikmagalur in the Western Ghats. The state’s favorable climate and well-drained soil create ideal conditions for tea cultivation. Karnataka produces specialty teas with unique flavors and follows traditional, eco-friendly practices. While the tea industry in Karnataka is relatively small compared to other regions, it has gained recognition among tea enthusiasts. Most of the tea is consumed domestically, but there is a growing interest in exporting the state’s specialty teas. With a focus on quality and sustainability, Karnataka’s tea industry continues to grow and contribute to the diverse landscape of Indian teas.

Karnataka- Tea Producing States in India
Area (Ha)2093 
Production (M.kgs.)5.12

Things India can do to increase its Tea Production and Tea growing states in india

  • Invest in research and development. The tea industry in India needs to invest in research and development in order to improve the quality and yield of its tea. This includes research on new varieties of tea, better cultivation practices, and more efficient processing methods.
  • Promote sustainable tea production. India is a major producer of tea, but it is also a major polluter of water and soil. The tea industry needs to adopt more sustainable practices to protect the environment and ensure the long-term viability of the industry.
  • Improve the productivity of small tea growers. Small tea growers account for a significant share of tea production in India. However, they often face challenges in terms of access to credit, technology, and markets. The government needs to provide more support to small tea growers to help them increase their productivity.
  • Expand tea cultivation to new areas. India has a large area of land that is suitable for tea cultivation. However, only a small fraction of this land is currently being used for tea production. The government needs to promote the expansion of tea cultivation to new areas to meet the growing demand for tea.
  • Improve the quality of Indian tea. India is known for producing some of the best tea in the world. However, the quality of Indian tea has declined in recent years. The government needs to take steps to improve the quality of Indian tea to compete with tea from other countries.
  • Attracting foreign investment. The tea industry in India is a major employer and a source of foreign exchange. The government can attract foreign investment in the tea industry by providing incentives to foreign investors.
  • Promoting tea tourism. Tea tourism is a growing industry in India. The government can promote tea tourism by developing tea tourism circuits and providing infrastructure for tea tourism.
  • By implementing these measures and fostering collaboration between the government, industry stakeholders, and tea growers, India can enhance its tea production and maintain its status as a dominant force in the global tea market. Continuous innovation, sustainable practices, and strategic planning will be essential to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of the Indian tea industry.
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India’s tea industry is a true testament to the country’s rich agricultural diversity and cultural heritage. The top tea-producing states, such as Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, each contribute their unique flavors and characteristics to the vast array of Indian teas. From the robust and malty Assam black tea to the delicate and aromatic Darjeeling tea, India’s tea offerings cater to a myriad of preferences worldwide.

As the global demand for tea continues to grow, these states play a crucial role in satisfying the world’s thirst for the golden beverage. The dedication of the tea growers, the unique geographic advantages, and the rich traditions surrounding tea production in India all combine to make the country a tea lover’s paradise. So, the next time you sip a cup of Indian tea, take a moment to appreciate the journey it undertook from the verdant tea gardens of Assam to the misty hills of Darjeeling and beyond. Cheers to the magical world of Indian tea!

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Sanjay Choudhary
Sanjay Choudhary

Hii This is Sanjay, an In-depth reader interested in, but not limited to, politics, economy, and agriculture. I am dedicated to improving my skills through self-learning while also transforming raw information into something easily understandable.

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