For a disconnected natural world from people’s lives, specifically from urban lives, to bring a touch of nature into homes through indoor plants with flowers is a blessing. Don’t worry about the aesthetics of your home, these green pal not only enhance them but also breed other benefits like air purification, natural air fragrances etc. Indoor plants are no less in varieties or diversities when compared with outdoor greens, not only in floral biology but also have wide ranges of environmental tolerance and requirements. This piece of writing will help you explore the various types of indoor plants with flowers, you’ll dive into their awestrucking features, benefits, and care. From a plant enthusiast to a naive and curious beginner, these plants can hold everyone’s interest.
15 Types of Indoor Plants with Flower
1. African violet
Scientific name:- Saintpaulia ionantha
You might be confused like me after reading “violet” in its name and still not belonging to the “Violaceae” but “Saintpaulia” family, they’re not true violets but only resemble them. They create a beautiful color palette of pink, white and different colour ranges. These not so sensitive plants can thrive long if taken proper care of. They require regular watering so that the soil stays moist but make sure not to make it soggy.
Height-16-18 inches
Temperature –65-80°F

2.Christmas cactus
Scientific name– Schlumbergera x buckleyi
Its flowers bloom at the final points of stems with the onset of winter. Its stems are a serial arrangement of flattened leaves. Being a succulent, it is seen growing on moss grasses and has a drooping structure. It requires higher humidity which is why it needs to be watered regularly and low temperature, disturbance in any of these factors causes defoliation.
Height– 10-12 inches
Temperature – 60-68°F

3. Peace lily
Scientific name- Spathiphyllum wallisii
In many traditions, these lilies are linked with tranquillity because of their white flag-like petals & white is a representative of peace .Their leaves are large, larger than their petals, oval and shiny. These are poisonous on ingestion because of the presence of insoluble Calcium Oxalate crystals which cause irritation and other allergic reactions. They love filtered lights, therefore east-facing windows are preferred for keeping them.
Height– 1-4 feet
Temperature– 65-80°F

4. Anthurium
Scientific name – (Anthurium andraeanum)
Nature has distributed the same colour to flamingos 🦩 and spathe of this plant which is why Anthurium is aka Flamingos lily. The spathe is heart-shaped, glossy and surrounds a rod-shaped spadix/spike which bears tiny flowers. Like peace lilies, they also contain Calcium Oxalate crystals, therefore poisonous on ingestion and touch sometimes. They’re seen growing under protected or greenhouse conditions because of high-temperature requirements. Used as cut flowers, pot flowers as well.
Height– 1-1.5 feet

5. Kalanchoe
Scientific name – Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
It is an exquisite succulent plant which bears small flowers in a variety of colours. If you hear the name “ Widow’s thrill” anytime, it’s nothing else but Kalanchoe blossfeldiana & is named so because even if its care is ignored, it thrives well.
Height-0.9-1.8 cm
Temperature– 55-80°F

6. Gloxinia
Scientific name – Sinningia speciosa
How beautiful the flowers must be with the tactile feel of velvet and the shape of a bell ! Yes such flowers exist, flowers of Gloxinia. With a rainbow of shades, these flowers attract every eye. If you’re wondering how they smell, we would like you to know that they don’t but that doesn’t stop them from slaying.
Height– 6-12 inches
Temperature– 18-24°C

7. Begonia
Scientific name :- Begonia cucullata
Begonia and cool climates go well with each other, a partly shady environment and moist soils support its growth. These flowers have 1 pair of sepals and another of the same coloured petals with different sizes and opposite placement. Begonia has a placement in the medicinal world as well, it is a source of Vitamin C which is why it has a citrusy and tangy flavour. It has laxative and anti-inflammatory properties.
Height– 12-18 inches
Temperature – 60-70°F

8. Impatiens
Scientific name – (Impatiens walleriana)
Although usually seen as beddings in gardens, they’re also indoor house plants. Their bold colours and profuse flowering are worth the mention.
Height– 6-24 inches
Temperature– 60-70°F
# Hummingbirds have high energy needs and look for nectar and are attracted toward impatiens plants & act as pollinators by virtue of their bright colours and high nectar production.

Also Read:
9. Wax plant/ Porcelain flower
Scientific name – Hoya carnosa
Unique wax-like and glossy texture of its petals and succulent leaves give it the name “wax plant”. This indoor plant with flowers has climbing properties and petals are star-shaped and covered with tiny hair. Variegated varieties of Hoya carnosa aka ‘Krimson queen/princess’ require more sunlight than non-variegated varieties.
Height – 3-6 feet
Temperature – 60-85° F
# Its genus Hoya was named after an English gardener Thomas Hoy.

10. False Shamrock
Scientific name– Oxalis Triangularis
It blooms with tiny pink and white flowers in spring and summer. Not only its flowers but its leaves too have an aesthetic contribution with their purple tint and triangular shape with 3 leaflets. This indoor plant with flowers is rich in Vitamin C, Iron and other beneficial phytochemicals which makes it suitable for use against many health disorders.
Height– 8-12 inches

#Also called butterfly plants as with their blooms, their leaves also shut & open in response to light and look like a bundle of butterflies.
11. Natal lily/Bush lily
Scientific name– Clivia miniata
A unique pattern of long narrow leaves which are close at the bottom and get distant as they heighten up. Clusters of orange trumpet-like flowers with yellow streaks compliment this setup. It started off in England and parts of Europe as an indoor plant. This plant is unfit for consumption but fit enough for its placement inside your home.
Height– 18-24 inches
Temperature– 30-25°F

12. Brazillian firework
Scientific name– (Porphyrocoma pohliana)
It is an evergreen tropical indoor plant every household must-have for the allure it has. Its resemblance with fireworks is an explanation for its name. Purple spikes on red flowers arranged in length give a burst of colour to the beholder. When the flowers haven’t arrived, it’s the beautiful green leaves with silver veins that work for the aesthetic appeal. Partial shade is acceptable for its survival and the soil should be kept moist.
Temperature – 60-85° F
Height -20-25 cm

13. Lipstick plant
Scientific name– (Aeschynanthus radicans)
Another plant with trailing stems and flowers at the tips which are usually painted red, tangerine orange and pink by nature, can be kept indoors as well as outdoors and attract hummingbirds. The petals are tubular and covered at the bottom by a purple cup-like structure which makes it appear like a lipstick applicator hence the name, “lipstick plant”. These are easy peasy when it comes to their care, no special requirements and hence are invasive if given any chance. Either provide it with partial or bright sunlight, it won’t complain anyway.
Height– 2-3 feet(indoors)
Temperature – 65-75°F

14. Rieger begonia
Scientific name – (Begonia x hiemalis)
This indoor plant with flowers balances the bold and bright colours of your interiors with the warm hues of yellow, orange and pink flowers. Its flowers appear like tea roses & sit over the dense green and glossy foliage. Excess moisture must be avoided as it causes and perpetuates fungal infection. Partial sun to partial shade renders its growth and blooms during spring and fall.
Height– 10-12 inches
Temperature – 50-80°F

15. Silver vase plant/Urn plant
Scientific name – (Aechmea fasciata)
It is also one of those plants whose foliage is as attractive and unique as its flowers. Its leaves are stiff and silver-green in colour like that of a snake plant but have spiny edges like that of aloe vera. Tiny purple flowers are borne on pink bracts which too have spiny edges. Its leaves have a silver tinge because of trichomes that absorb water. Before the plant(mother plant) dies, it produces offsets which if left to grow produce new urn plants.
Temperature– 60-80°F

# Its vase shaped rosette gives it the name “Silver vase plant”.
Also Read:
- 15 Highest Oxygen Producing Plants
- Top 15 Medicinal Plants and Their Uses
- Plants That Attract Butterflies
When you see your walls bland & don’t want the artificials anymore, these indoor plants with flowers are always saviours but these green treasures aren’t just showpieces for window sills & centre tables but signify a hope of life. Each plant type has its uniqueness, some are easygoing succulents and some trail and some climb to provide the vertical element of your home. How satisfying it is to create your own personal mini garden even after space is a limiting factor to your green dream! So, let these plants climb on your windowsills or embellish the plain corners of your home and let these green companions bring out your love for nature.
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