January Issue 2023- Times of Agriculture Magazine

We are pleased to announce the release of January issue 2023 of Times of Agriculture e-magazine. This issue is based on the International Year of Millets, in which all the information related to millets has been included by various scientists and researchers.

Till now these grains were far from the mainstream of the farmers as well as unable to convey their importance to the consumers, but by declaring the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets, the UN has decided to attract the attention of the world towards the importance of coarse grains.

Our aim is to provide you with complete information about the trending topic, yet if readers see any kind of deficiency, then must inform us so that it can be improved in our upcoming issues.

Best wishes to all of you for the new year 2023. Happy Reading…


Highlights of January Issue 2023

S.No.Article Title
1.Agriculture Updates
2.Millets:  Marvel grain of future.
Cover Story- Dr. Mudita Verma
3.Millets: Underrated Powerhouse of Nutrients.
Sharad Shikandar Jadhav
4. Celebrating millets – As nutricereals for food, nutrition & health.
Dr. Ashok S. Alur
5.Knock out diabetes with insulin plant.
Ms. Harichandana Ponnapalli and Dr. Sarojani J. Karakannavar
6.Crop diversification: To mitigate biotic and abiotic stress for long-term farm sustainability.
Sandeep Gawdiya
7.Split gills mushroom for improvement of human health.
Pradeep Kumar Verma, Dr. Gopal Singh and Vishal Srivastava
8.An insight into solar farming in India.
V.V.S.S. Anusha
10.Use of nanotechnology in agriculture.
Varuni Sharma
11.Artificial intelligence and its role in agriculture.
K. Laxmi Prasanna and Ajay Pratap Singh
12.Organic aquaculture.
Devarshi Ranjan, Priyanka Verma and Mayank Bhushan Singh
13.Synthetic seeds in agriculture.
Pooja Singh and Rupesh Kumar
Millet -Times of agriculture magazine
Times of Agriculture
Times of Agriculture

Times of Agriculture is a monthly agriculture magazine initiated for purpose of providing information on agri. innovations, agribusiness, gardening, and engaging content related to agriculture, aimed to promoting awareness about Agritech and Agripreneurship. Expertise of publishing 2000+ articles on various agricultural topics, We try to offer our readers insightful and informative content. Happy reading.....

Articles: 82