January 2025 Edition – Times of Agriculture Magazine

Dear Readers, We are delighted to present the 5th volume of Times of Agriculture Magazine. We sincerely hope to continue serving you with valuable content in the future. Times of Agriculture Magazine keeps you informed about the latest and most informative topics through its monthly editions. In this issue, we have highlighted the importance of women in agriculture through our cover story.

Today, women are not only serving food on the plate at home, but they are also contributing significantly to various agricultural startups, helping to feed the world. Women comprise approximately 47% of India’s agricultural workforce, yet they own only 12.8% of the land. Increasing their ownership rights could unlock the vast potential of the women’s workforce, playing a crucial role in transforming the face and direction of Indian agriculture.

In this century, women have accomplished many inspiring feats, showcasing their efficiency and dedication. The involvement of women in agriculture not only boosts the economy but also strengthens rural development. However, despite their contributions, women are still not receiving equal wages or opportunities compared to men. Bridging this gap and promoting women’s participation in agriculture can lead to significant increases in agricultural productivity, improved food security, and sustainable rural economic growth.

Let us all work together to empower women in agriculture, paving the way for the upliftment of our nation and the advancement of the agricultural sector. We hope this edition of Times of Agriculture Magazine provides you with valuable knowledge and inspiration. Thank you! Enjoy Reading……

Highlights of January Edition

S.No.Article Title
1.Agriculture Updates.
2.Women in Agriculture: Driving Agri-Tech Innovations.
3.The impact of veganism on India’s dairy economy: Trends and challenges.
4.Affordable special dap fertilizer subsidy extended to strengthen farmer welfare.
5.Challenges faced by farmers in using social media for agriculture.
6.Application of relevant innovative approaches in agricultural extension through KVKs.
7.A harvest of hope: Seven schemes nurturing Indian agriculture’s transformation.
8.Cauliflower curse: Farmers forced to use harvest as cattle feed amid wholesale price drops.
9.The silent threat: Ignoring potassium fertilization poses a risk to global food security.
Women in agriculture - times of agriculture magazine
Times of Agriculture
Times of Agriculture

Times of Agriculture is a monthly agriculture magazine initiated for purpose of providing information on agri. innovations, agribusiness, gardening, and engaging content related to agriculture, aimed to promoting awareness about Agritech and Agripreneurship. Expertise of publishing 2000+ articles on various agricultural topics, We try to offer our readers insightful and informative content. Happy reading.....

Articles: 82