
March Issue -Times of Agriculture Magazine on CHC

We are pleased to announce the release of the March Issue of Times of Agriculture Magazine. Today, India is setting new records in every field, in such a situation, the agricultural sector, which is known as the soul of India, and the contribution of our farmers who make it alive, is elevating its identity in the country and the world. From the presidency of G20 to the usefulness of Millets (Shri Anna) to the world, Kisan Samridhi Kendra, Kisan Samman Nidhi, Nano Urea, Nano DAP, Custom Hiring Center, Center of Excellence for the development of various sectors and many development-oriented schemes is being operated. Recently, Mr. Bill Gates, who visited the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, in New Delhi, also appreciated the research and research of agricultural scientists in India.

Dear Readers, March issue of Times of Agriculture e-Magazine is being presented with complete information on CHC (Custom Hiring Center). In India, the level of mechanization is 40% and it is estimated to decrease to about 26% by 2050. Presently, the National average of farm power availability is 2.02 kW/ha. Custom Hiring Center popularly known as CHC is basically a unit consisting of a set of agricultural machinery, equipment, and tools for custom hiring by farmers on rent. The main objective of CHC is to supply agricultural equipment to small, and marginal farmers at subsidized rates on rent. So that they do not have to face any kind of problems in their fieldwork. there is a need to increase it to 4.0 kW/ha by 2030 for these custom hiring centers to play a key role.

Hope you like this issue, do share your feedback with us for the betterment of the magazine. Enjoy Reading…

Highlights of March Issue – Times of Agriculture Magazine

1.Agriculture Updates
2.CHC:  Solution for Mechanized Agriculture.
Cover Story
3.India’s vision and strategy towards green energy.
Kalyan Singh
4.Crop diversification: Single window for multi-benefits.
Sharad Shikandar Jadhav
5.Shree anna.
Om Prakash Singh and Anshika Yadav
6.Water pollution in India.
Pramod Kumar Sharma and Ritika Yadav
7.Drone: An emerging technology in agriculture.
Chinmay Kumar Sahu and Ravi Kiran
8Lemon cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. sativus): A treasure trove.
Priyadarshini, V. M.
CHC, march issue times of agriculture magazine, custom hiring center

Times of Agriculture
Times of Agriculture

Times of Agriculture is a monthly agriculture magazine initiated for purpose of providing information on agri. innovations, agribusiness, gardening, and engaging content related to agriculture, aimed to promoting awareness about Agritech and Agripreneurship. Expertise of publishing 2000+ articles on various agricultural topics, We try to offer our readers insightful and informative content. Happy reading.....

Articles: 69